I dont appreciate America "borrowing" Asian horror films and then...not doing them the justice they deserve. First Ringu and Ju-On (both them and their sequels better than The Ring(s) & The Grudge(s)), then Pulse to a lesser extent...and now with (on January 5th) One Missed Call. Soon to follow will be The Eye. The Eye actually appears to follow along with the original version. But this americanized Missed Call? I am not a fan. I can already see how they've drifted from where they should be. It makes me sad...so many people will never know how good "One Missed Call" and its sequel truly are.
Who else is as overly hyped and excited to see Johnny Depp and Tim Burton together again (apparently for the seventeenth time) in "Sweeney Todd". I've never been so amped to see a movie musical before. Ever. And from the previews I've seen, everyone puts forth a superb job in their singing as well as acting. I agree with Burton - "Actors that sing are a better commodity than singers that act." Not saying that Queen Latifah & Ice Cube & Ne-Yo & Chris Brown cant act, but thats not primary on the resume. But i'm getting off-topic. Flock with me to theatres this weekend to see a modern take on a 150 year old myth. At least he's not a pirate this time around. Helena Bonham Carter (Harry Potter 5-7, Corpse Bride, Charlie & The Choco Factory), Alan Rickman (Harry Potter 1-7, Love Actually, Die Hard), Timothy Spall (Harry Potter 4-5, Lemony Snicket, Vanilla Sky), and Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, Madagascar, Ali G Show) round out the main cast of the movie...all of which (with Sacha's exception), have played in at least one other movie with each other (6 degrees of separation?)
On a disturbing note...has anyone heard of this show called "A Moment of Truth"? Its supposedly premiering on Fox 1/23 after the American Idol. I...dont like it. I would go on the show, I would. Cuz i could totally use the money. But umm..they get reeeeeallly personal. I mean, I have nothing against saying things about the family at this point. But I dont think friends and such are ready (or ever will be) to hear some of the truths that this show might end up revealing. I'm almost ashamed to say that i'll be and avid watcher. Just that one question about the starving kids in Africa, or the fat people, or the repulsing husband. I'm already basically hooked. I've never really thought about those questions. Who actually has some of these things made up in their heads? Fat people dont disgust me...some people in general do. And starving kids? Hello, why does it have to be Africa? I see them right here. I guess people can have a body part that repulses them, particularly if they've been together for a while. But thats...not unusual? Who knows. I think my inner motivation to watch, is to answer these questions. Maybe find out how i truly feel about some things. And to see what that 21st question gets into. I mean come on. If that repulsing body part is a preliminary...what on earth is the million-dollar truth? Its a plot by the government to destroy families/relationships and make everyone individualistic instead of collectivistic. ( I remember things from interpersonal comm class!! Thank you Mr. Meachem =0) )
1 comment:
I wanna see Sweeney Todd...I totally didn't realize that the chic who is playing Sweeney's girl is Tim Burton's wife and the Corpse Bride's voice...well I knew that Tim Burton's wife was her voice but I never put it together after seeing her in so much that that was her! I totalle wanna go see
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