My horoscope for today kind of surprised me at first...
but then i got to really thinking about it. In the last couple of days I've found myself (for what might just be the first time ever) putting my needs and my concerns and myself first. I've learned to actually be less emotional and more logical (in part because of the classes i had to take this semester) in my thoughts and expressions, at least in my opinion. Rationality is a wonderful thing. I wont let any of my relas be forgotten. But if those few cant manage to withstand my life order, they'll just have to be shelved until the ride is over.
I recently d/led & watched "Cyclone", "Hypnotized", and "Body" videos. I was reminded of a previous vision I had in mind. Back when Snoop's "I wanna love you" video came out, I wanted to be the girl in the middle. I wanted to look like her, get myself into some semblance of her shape. At the same time, I told myself I wanted to be a "Deal or No Deal" girl (all they have to do is look the way they do and they get paid for it. America is amazing). But everyone shot that down for me, found reasons why the idea was positively absurd. Now, I decided f3ck negativity. I'm not gonna dismiss my dreams because someone else thinks i'm incapable. That was the old Jacki. I've moved past it...
These "video girls" have restored my faith in myself and put me back on track. Last week, overeating, under-exercising, and drowning in drinks threw me way off my path. Watching those videos (particularly "Cyclone"), has reminded me of my goals and what I want to be. So i'm super reinforcing my workout schedule and sticking to my eating plans. I've got a time frame on my goals and i so need to get there. I dont care what plans are made from here on out, nothing will interfere with my weight loss goals. I'm not in it for the world...just for my own peace of mind. In four months, I will be moving my body like a cyclone.

Libra Horoscope
(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
You may be more socially aware than others because you inherently understand the balance needed for harmony in relationships. Today, however, your patience may wear thin as Venus puts you in touch with your own needs. Even if intense emotions rise to the surface now, trust your logical analysis over irrational intuition for the next few days.
but then i got to really thinking about it. In the last couple of days I've found myself (for what might just be the first time ever) putting my needs and my concerns and myself first. I've learned to actually be less emotional and more logical (in part because of the classes i had to take this semester) in my thoughts and expressions, at least in my opinion. Rationality is a wonderful thing. I wont let any of my relas be forgotten. But if those few cant manage to withstand my life order, they'll just have to be shelved until the ride is over.
I recently d/led & watched "Cyclone", "Hypnotized", and "Body" videos. I was reminded of a previous vision I had in mind. Back when Snoop's "I wanna love you" video came out, I wanted to be the girl in the middle. I wanted to look like her, get myself into some semblance of her shape. At the same time, I told myself I wanted to be a "Deal or No Deal" girl (all they have to do is look the way they do and they get paid for it. America is amazing). But everyone shot that down for me, found reasons why the idea was positively absurd. Now, I decided f3ck negativity. I'm not gonna dismiss my dreams because someone else thinks i'm incapable. That was the old Jacki. I've moved past it...
These "video girls" have restored my faith in myself and put me back on track. Last week, overeating, under-exercising, and drowning in drinks threw me way off my path. Watching those videos (particularly "Cyclone"), has reminded me of my goals and what I want to be. So i'm super reinforcing my workout schedule and sticking to my eating plans. I've got a time frame on my goals and i so need to get there. I dont care what plans are made from here on out, nothing will interfere with my weight loss goals. I'm not in it for the world...just for my own peace of mind. In four months, I will be moving my body like a cyclone.
1 comment:
Baby I gave up TOO!!! But we're both having sex w/our treadmills and we're gonna be so WRETCHEDLY FIERCE niggas won't be able to SEE us!!! Tell anyone who is stressin us out the minute we get fierce, dont EVER for a second get to thinkin your black ass is irreplaceable. I've been JUST like you, incessantly overeating, drinking liquor, NOT exercising at all but this week I said FUCK negativity (and lil minor f3ck Mj lmao) and got back on track cause its for no one else but US!
WORK IT OUT GIRL! We got this shit in the BAG!!!
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