Saturday, December 29th, 2007 PST

Libra Horoscope
Retreating from the hectic world sounds like a smart idea today and if you take care of your obligations early, you can actually manifest this fantasy. But even if you do manage to avoid your social obligations, things probably won't unfold according to your plan. Be prepared for a few twists and turns; engage them willingly instead of resisting the changes.
These horoscopes as of late, boy I tell ya. I dont like twists and turns, I dont need anymore. However i've been (semi) forced to confront some old school closet skeletons, and i'm willing to work with them this time around. I what I do, and hang around the house, abuse machines & catch up on my reading. But I made promises and I suppose I should be getting out more anyway. When i'm alone I've got too much time to think. When I think, things go bad.
I actually slept last night; well, this morning. I crawled back into bed next to my b/f this morning at about 5. I dozed off into a pretty solid sleep too. Being who he is and knowing my issues, he let me sleep until noon (where i generally get up 9-10). Even then, i dozed back off and he woke me up at 1. I havent gotten that much sleep in about a week. I really needed it and he knew I did too. Thanks babe. Now i'm trying to stay away and finish off tonight's piece of the Futurama marathon. So depressed about them not force-feeding the show anymore...
I cant believe its still Christmas week. Like really? Thats insane. Why is time creeping so? I'm ready for next year already. I've got things to get to. Like making and fulfilling some resolutions. Has anyone else come up with any new ones? Ones that step a little outside of the proverbial box?
1 comment:
You slept! Yay!
I'm thrilled about the ending of Futurama, I hated that damn show...
Resolutions of the New Jack:
Deep inquiries, before accusations
Less assumptions
Shank less people
Resolve my trust issues-ESPECIALLY WITH MEN
Be more open hearted to women
Not to be so obsessed with others thoughts of me
Work on my body not for obsession, but for a possible career
Keep my lil bro on the right path for his almost last yr of High School
Study the bible in more depth
MAKE MONEY and correct jail/debt/financial woes
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