My first meet with my personal trainer is next week. I'm gonna see what our set up will be and hopefully arrange to a 4-a-week regimen. Its not that i need help getting/keeping my weight down, but i need new outlets. All i've been doing is the bike, ablounge, and easy curves - for the girls that dont know...it does wonderful things, EasyCurves
I get bored with things quickly, so i always need something to spice it up, or at least make a change. So i'm hoping he can show me other stuff I can get into that'll keep me focused on my workout and losing the weight. I'm thinking of keeping a workout/weightloss blog on facebook...no one really reads those notes :-) I've changed my weight loss goal to 160lbs because i'd like to get back into gymnastics and the smaller the boobs, the better (anyone who's attempted a cartwheel or handstand knows this).
Hollywood's unleashed its new generation of black actors. These being some of the "old" -

Because (for me) they all came together in "Stomp The Yard" I saw it kind of late. But looking into their movie lineup, they had great work before it and coming up in the next two years. If you dont know, here's your heads-up.

Left to right we've got the three most prominent men in Hollywood right now - Columbus Short, Brian J. White (who gets double the points because he's a former Patriot =D), and Laz Alonso. Columbus, who is the youngest and most inexperienced of the 3 (as far as how much film work has been documented) is up and coming with his breakouts in 3 different genres with three popular movies (Accepted, Stomp The Yard, This Christmas). Brian, who's been seen (by me) as far back as The Best Man, has just as fabulous a range (The Family Stone, Stomp The Yard, The Gameplan, and Daddy's Little Girls). Laz, who stood out to me originally simply because his looks resemble those of Bl", has the bad guy look, and does it well (Jarhead, Stomp The Yard, This Christmas). Its obvious that they put their all into their work and are passionate about it. And that makes me smile and eager to see what they come out with next.
I've allowed myself to become a little selfish in the past couple of weeks. I've been quietly sitting back, watching and waiting and hoping that the fairy of goodness will come by and drop happiness into my lap. I'm realizing that the fairy might have overslept a bit, and I think the selfish side is leaking out some. I dont want it for a christmas gift, I'd just like it. It'd do so many things. Would also expand my exercise repertoire. I truly long for one...and i know with the way they're selling, the price isnt going down anytime soon. So if there's anyone that wants to help me get one, or knows somewhere that i can acquire one on a payment plan, feel free to share it with me. I dont even need games...Wii sports is more than enough.

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