Saturday, December 15th, 2007 PST

It's not easy to keep everything light and easy today, even if life is looking sweet. Any unexpressed resentments can negatively influence your closest relationships now, yet you have a chance to clean up old stuff by bringing your feelings out into the open. This can feel quite scary, but it's your ultimate ticket to love.
I do not do confrontation very well at all. In fact, it might be the reason for the tumor I know is growing on my brain (similar to Lois when she suppresses the stuff that Peter's done on FG). The most recent time I can remember confronting someone on anything was about this time last year. In a fit of anger over something that technically wasnt my responsibility or place, I word-vomited feelings that I guess I had been sitting on for some time. However, because of the way they came out, I almost lost a friend entirely. It was almost two months later that we apologized to each other for the exchange and began rebuilding so to speak. If either one of us had been really petty and chose not to make up, we wouldnt be where we are now. And that saddens and scares me. I love my tweedledee :-)
Years ago, going back to high school, someone who was very close to me, (in my eyes) f3cked up really irreparably bad. The series of bad decisions she made (which i wont go into because....its very high school), led to a complete dismissal of her. Even now, any conversations that arise are strained, and pretty much cover what high school was, how people have grown, and how close we used to be. It's been 5 years and we've been absent from a major part of each other's lives. We lived in two different worlds and no longer have anything in common or new memories to remenisce on. "Remember when that guy did this?" not anymore. I think about her and its a shame things ended the way they did after we were so close for so many years, but for her i think it may have been best. Now she's seeing things with a different eye, and her decisions might be better. Dont get me wrong, if shit ever got serious (like life changes) i'll lend an ear. But i wont be going out of my way to force nice and copacetic between us. We're not what once was.
I dont want either situation to occur again....they both sucked. One resulted in a burned bridge, the other in grounds that were shaky, for a whiiiile (might still be, i cant speak on what her true opinions of me are right now). Why would i wanna put myself into that kind of situation again? Some people cant handle the truth no matter how its presented. I've told people simple things like me thinking they were trying to be a little controlling of their love relas. The result was a week of crying, and then someone else coming in to do damage control. And that was years ago. I cant imagine what would happen with something really serious or involved. So, i'll sit and watch. Typically, people come to their senses themselves and rectify situations, others may not. Not my problem. I welcome others that have that freedom of self to step in. I will only address things, if they are asked of me. Yup
1 comment:
all i have to say is that if you make us separate over retardation ever again, i'll shank you...
..thank GOD we're not petty broads..
and yeah we're fabulous :)
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