Happenings in the News
2 things I found mention-worthy from recent news reports, courtesy of my wandering eye. Evidently there is a casino in the Virgin Islands that I recommend no one go to. They evidently attempted to swindle someone out of 5.15 million dollars, an attorney no less, and compensate for it by treating him to a $100 comp and a free meal. My dad added his comical two cents, that if someone even looked like they were going to tinker with his machine, he would proceed to get up, and beat them to the ground. I'm sure the 5.15 million would cover any legal fees and settlements to be paid afterwards. lol
Of even bigger interest to me is the status of two ridiculously-good crooners, J. Holiday and Ne-Yo
"Washington, DC-bred R&B crooner J. Holiday was arrested on Thursday Feb. 21 and charged with drug possession." where at the same time (roughly), "The Grammy-winning Ne-Yo was jailed on Tuesday, Feb. 19 and charged with reckless driving and for not having a valid driver's license. Cops allege that the platinum-selling singer (real name Shaffer Smith) was driving over 100 miles per hour in his 2006 Range Rover in Cobb County."
What is going on in the music world today?
1 comment:
Its the damn Hollywood syndrome. Once they make it big they almost IMMEDIATELY fuck it up for themselves by doing DUMB ASS SHIT!! First it was the actors now its the damn singers. It's like their IQ or mental capacity just diminishes the second they go platinum or break $100,000,00o in the box offices....
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