so alot of analyzing has been done on relas over the past few days. the conclusion is this - yes, relationships are work...but that work shouldn't be one-sided and more importantly, more time should be spent in a state of happiness, enjoying the rela. Me, LibraDreamer & New Jack have spent alot of the last few days going over past relationships and current, "comparing notes" so to speak. Why? because we are attempting to avoid repeating the history of a fourth person...crazy crazy female that she is. And as hard as relationships can get, there are just some places they shouldn't go. There are times when things will give and efforts will be made...improvement ensues, but then there are times when one has to sit back and contemplate what's best for the individual.
So yea, watched the moment of truth last night. A handful of my friends and I held a conference during the show, answering the questions along with the contestants. It was quite an interesting experience. The second guy, admitted to himself that he had a gambling problem. I thought that was interesting, brave, and...groundbreaking. Because that's something he can take home with his girlfriend, and work on. Maybe apologize to his ex-wife for as well. He seemed to put true thought into that answer. I like thought. The first guy, who was a personal trainer, admitted that he wasnt rushing to have children with his wife because he didnt think she was the one, and also that if her stomach got bigger, he'd recommend lipo. Wow. And even after that, she kept pushing - "No, keep going, I want to hear everything else." Either she relishes in the pain, the money is worth that much to her, OR, people actually desire the truth deep down, whether they admit it or not. Interesting... I look forward to next week.
less depressing, more upbeat - this dude in my class has a sexy mohawk. I hope to be a guy next time around. I will flaunt one hard. Although i think his mohawk is sorta special/unique cuz he has queer hair. lol

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