Devil's Advocate
Maybe its because i've been on that side of the fence for so long, maybe its just because i'm tired of seeing everything torn to shreds, but I really dont condone what the press does to Britney Spears. The paparazzi do...horrible things to her, and she's already not in a good way. I think they simply exacerbate what's already happening to her. She's probably had one of the worst stress-induced breakdowns in existence with her career, the kids, that...husband...of hers, and the family. And as much as everyone likes to think they see every little bit of whats happening in her life, i'm sure it isnt true. I dont see why her problems have to take center stage in the news. She, like other celebrities (though not all) i think has earned and deserves some degree of privacy. I've seen the mental issues, i've been there. I am there. Its just unfair to her...ridiculously unfair. Some things should be considered private, paparazzi or not. They just dont know when to stop. I think there is a point when they stop being human and just become...something worse.I'm not taking her side, i dont think she's in the right place to involve Sean and Jayden, but its not like she's chosen to be here.
she's 5'5"...a part of me is ashamed that I wanna look the way she used to look..back when her career and performance were at their peak. The other part is quite proud. Because I know that with simple therapy, she can snap right back into that and become a "proper" role model. she's only 27 after all...
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