whoever wrote this PostSecret is on to something. I think this in my head sometimes as I look at my 'work' possibilities. I think it in my head on occasion when I look at my family (although I fit in more now than ever with the majority of people closest to me. What's the real meaning of the word?). Thoughts like these, might fuel alot of my resentment for life. People underestimate things so easily. I'm fully aware that i'm lucky to be living where I live, or anywhere at all. I'm lucky to not b in the bottom 5% of America, this is true. I'm also fully aware that there's a percentage much higher up than me. and when I see it taken for granted, it saddens and infuriates me. I guess its really just my own issue ya know? If i know sumthing has 2 b done, i'll forego fun unless its entirely free. People closest to me know allll about it. I dont see movies, i dont travel. I cant. Every scrap of money I get gets thrown at a bill. I went back 2 my lemon diet for a bit even so that I wasnt tempted to spend $ on food stuffs. But i've seen things...I've seen people in financial sitchs as bad as mine, that still 'live it up', but then come back & cry about how the bills are overwhelming them. How does that work? One of my life buddies (12+ years) had an away message yesterday, harsh as it may be - "if you've got hair on ya pussy, i'm taking some tape and ripping it off. you dont have time to shave, but you've got time to eat lobster?" Cant have it both ways. thats not the way it works. period.
I spent the part of my weekend that wasnt dedicated to work in Conneticut. I was kidnapped by two people with a car, one of which has the ability to drag me off. I went willingly. I met Momma Jeremiah, and was given a good luck honey-doused orange. I guess I was wrong, Haitians & Dominicans are a nice mix. She treated me as if I was a staple in the family, like I make the trip on the regular. It was nice sleeping in a house. J&K have no. idea. how much i thoroughly enjoyed running up and down the stairs. I felt like I was at home. It was so quiet and calm and peaceful up there. I've decided that will be my new home. I will find somewhere up there to stay, I dont care how long it takes. The only thing is highways at night...no lights along the side. But how much driving will I be doing late at night? Lets be serious. I cant wait to go back. I'd appreciate an invite anytime.
While we were up there yesterday, we celebrated the end of a 11 year absence. American Gladiators is officially back. Two hour premiere last night...and the new gladiators are as hot as ever. If he wasnt (probably) pushing 40, I'd say that Nitro should've been tossed back in the mix. Nitro was thee man on the old AG. The sexiest of the clan (in my opinion) ------>





and Venom.
There's more on these and the rest of the twelve right here. So feel free to browse. I plan to watch the rest of it tonight (8pm, channel 4). I look forward to the renewal of an even older show in "Knight Rider". Thats right, NBC is on point this year.
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