Nostalgia strikes again
i dont know why, but in the middle of class today, as i was staring out the window into nothingness, i suddenly (and desperately) wanted to be back in RFK. Whether they are willing to admit it or not, things were simpler then. And stuff was just incredibly easy, not including the actual classwork. Alot of great friendships came out of those 2-3 years. And most of the ones I saw, still exist now. Prime example --->
With the exception of Gordon, these guys have been friends as long as i've known them...12 years. Gordon even joined 9 years ago. I watched them grow up and mature and become the intelligent and handsome guys they are today. I miss my girls just as much. It saddens me that our physical distance has kept us from being as tight as I am with these guys. But I love them just the same.
Some days I wish i could go back, relive such good times, and way more emphatically. I was such back in the day. Here's to my RFK boys (including the m.i.a. Stokes), thanks for making the best of Jr high and high school too =0)
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