
300 Stories

Happy 300 for the life and times! this is my 300th blog post. and, because it's a special occasion and it's my blog, i decided instead of randomness and news, to write about something related to me - Ms Jax Diva Poetic herself. ^_^

I looked back on my blog today, and I must say it's come a very long way. I've had support from various different people all over the globe (as noted by my stat counter), and I've even rummaged up a few followers - thanks guys =0) Always much appreciated. And now, on with the show!

Today's show is going to be about a favorite pastime of mine - broadway plays.

I don't know how i missed it, but West Side Story - my favorite musical....fuck grease and footloose and hairspray - is on broadway. WSS was the first musical I ever saw. Back in the days of St. John Neumann. When we had a music class everyday. When we were required to sing, as if we were a choir, and then play an instrument, as if we were a band. Sudden realization comes with this memory that I at one point played the flute. Good times. We sat one afternoon and watched West Side Story. And even at the age of eight, it touched my soul. i'm so desperate to go, but I'm not sure I have anyone (other than ma) that's willing and able to go see a play.

I will find a way. I will. Life will shatter otherwise.

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