
10 Lessons to Carry into 2014

1) Trust yourself and your ability to make the right decision for you. Don't let mistakes, opinions, and fear get in the way

2) Don't let pride consume you. It will kill every dream, burn every bridge, and leave you stagnant. Don't let your attitude speak louder than your accomplishments. Stay humble

3) Love is more about the decision than the emotion. It's a commitment to guarding another person's heart with the same passion you use to guard your own

4) Privacy is paramount. People don't forget, if you care about it, protect it. Everybody asking questions isn't entitled to answers

5) Credit follows contribution. Make yourself valuable, in whatever it is. Don't wait to be given a lane, create one....make them come through you

6) Consistency earns trust and it is so much stronger than doubt. Show them in a way that makes words unnecessary

7) When you commit to it, whatever it is...a dream, a relationship, or a duty...do what you said you would, every time

8) Not everything is meant to be a forever kind of thing. And if you ever want to find happiness, you have to learn to be okay with that. You can't control everything when it comes to loyalty, love, or life. Can't be afraid to live, learn, and let go

9) You want somebody that can increase you. Somebody that appreciates where you are but can help get you where you need to be...instead of looking for somebody perfect, find somebody you can grow with

10) Don't force friendships or communication...sometimes you just have to let certain things go, not because you're weak, but more so because you know it won't matter in the bigger picture

....thank you Rob Hill for hitting it square on the nose. 2014!

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