

Don't have expectations of people, they never live up to them.

Most people would view that negatively, but she makes a good point. There's a positive to it. I started thinking about it like my nephews. They're autistic. People look at them and wonder why they can't "be normal". But...they are normal. Perfectly fine. Not that the world is one giant developmental disorder, but you can't expect oodles from someone and then be perturbed when they don't measure up. People will be who they are. They rarely - if ever - change. And if they do it's for a fundamental reason, not because you thought they would.


 The older I get, the more grateful I am for my choices in education and the more I want to learn. Once you take off the rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it really is, you learn to flow with it. And wonderful things are the end result.

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