
Tumblr Tuesday

Tumblr Tuesday: New Year’s Resolutions Edition

Benevolent Net
Feel better about yourself by helping others; aid one low-income individual at a time. Shirley needs a new pair of glasses. Catherine needs new safety gear.

What Should We Call Quitting
This is it. This is your year. Quit smoking and start GIFing. GIFs have yet to be linked to lung cancer.

Life Hack Professional
Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. It’s right here, in this Tumblr. Accomplish your goals better, faster, stronger.

Be more mindful of where your money is going. Upcycle, recycle, bicycle.

Run Face
Did you vow to run more? Do you have a face? Congratulations, you have everything you need to submit your sweaty countenance for all of the Internet to see.

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